Appendix of "On a conjecture of Chen and Yui-Fricke groups" by Dongxi Ye
Journal of Number Theory, 253, 253--265, (2023).(pdf)
On the solvability of regular subgroups in the holomorph of a finite solvable group (joint with with C. Tsang)
International Journal of Algebra and Computation, 30(02), 17--68, (2020).(pdf)
$K1$-congruences for three-dimensional Lie groups (joint with Daniel Delbourgo)
Annales mathématiques du Québec, 43(1), 161--211, (2019). (pdf)
On $\lambda$-invariants attached to cyclic cubic number fields (joint with Daniel Delbourgo)
LMS Journal of Computation and Mathematics, 18(1), 684--698, (2015). (pdf)
Other Writing
Iwasawa theory over solvable three-dimensional $p$-adic Lie extensions PhD thesis, University of Waikato(pdf)
Zeroes of $5$-adic and $7$-adic $L$-functions over cubic fields Honours dissertation, University of Waikato(pdf)